The Great Soda Debate: Regular or Diet - is one really healthier than the other?
The Great Soda Debate: Regular or Diet - is one really healthier than the other? You don’t have to be a health nut to know that soda...
Red Wine - Is it really good for you, or just health hype?
Red Wine - Is it really good for you, or just health hype? If you’ve heard that red wine is one of the healthiest of all alcoholic...
The True Health Benefits of Exercise
The True Health Benefits of Exercise Exercise. It can improve your health on all levels. We’re not just talking about being fitter and...
Mediterranean Diet 101
Mediterranean Diet 101 The Mediterranean diet is one of the most studied diets out there. It's based on the traditional foods that people...
Paleo Diet 101
Paleo Diet 101 You may have heard of the "paleo" diet. It was the world's most popular diet in 2013. But what is it? Is it a fad? Is it...
How Do I Keep My Blood Sugar Stable?
How Do I Keep My Blood Sugar Stable? Oh, the words "blood sugar." Does it conjure up visions of restrictive eating, diabetes medications,...
Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh
Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh You totally want to ditch your scale, don't you? You may have this...