Could Your Health Issues Actually Be Nutrient Deficiencies?
Could Your Health Issues Actually Be Nutrient Deficiencies? Many nutrition professionals generally advise that a healthful, balanced diet...

Detox Diets and Body Cleanses: Are They Even Safe?
Detox Diets and Body Cleanses: Are They Even Safe? Detox diets…body cleanses…colon cleanses…bowel cleanses… You’ve probably heard all of...

Should You Avoid Food Colors & Dyes?
Should You Avoid Food Colors & Dyes? Despite the growing trend of healthier and safer food products being introduced into the...

What is a ‘Health Halo’ (and are my foods wearing one?)
What is a ‘Health Halo’? If you’re trying to eat healthier, you already know you should be including lots of fruit, vegetables, lean...